"Anytime Baby"

"Anytime Baby"

"Anytime Baby"

"Anytime Baby" Tomcat character detail

"Anytime Baby" Tomcat character detail

"Anytime Baby" cockpit and pilot characters detail

"Anytime Baby" cockpit and pilot characters detail

The title of this work, "Anytime Baby" comes from the time tested motto/battle cry of F-14 Tomcat pilots and crews. The F-14 Tomcat is most familiar to the general public as the jet that Tom Cruise flew as "Maverick" in the original Top Gun movie. It was the United States Navy's go to aircraft throughout most of the 1970's, 80's and 90's and remained a vital asset until it's retirement from service in 2006. It remains a favorite among aviation enthusiasts, pilots and former crew members.

This "Anytime Baby" is my somewhat twisted tribute to the great aircraft and all who flew and maintained her. It is included in an upcoming aviation publication currently in the works.